To master this skill, students need to integrate knowledge that they’ve learned throughout upper elementary and use it to analyze two different texts.
Talk about a rigorous challenge!
👉 This post will walk you through how you can have students proficient with this skill in no time!
Don't let this challenging skill overwhelm you, teacher!
You and your students have got this! 💪
This particular set of paired texts contains a fiction text and a nonfiction text, along with plenty of activities to coach students along the way.
While students analyze these texts, they’ll need to be looking for similarities and differences between the two.
To do this, students will need to combine many of the reading strategies and skills they’ve been working on since third grade.
I highly encourage that students practice analyzing multiple paired texts throughout the year.
This Free Paired Text Set is to help get you started and suggest some resources that can help you tackle this reading skill and hit the standards!